I tell your career story in a refreshing new way. So that people listen... and love it.

You already know the power of a great story. Now think about how wonderful it would be to talk about your career via such an engrossing tale. You have such a story inside you, but it generally takes someone like me to find it and articulate it in a truly compelling way.

This is what I do: weave engaging, original, and authentic career stories for my clients.

Because once you have your story, it changes everything, including how others perceive, pay, and promote you.

Your CAREER Story Package includes FOUR KEY components:

1. Your Backstory — This is where it all begins; it’s the bulk of your career story. In significant detail, it explains why you are “you” today, how you help others, and what differentiates you. Finding this story and bringing it to life for others is my unique ability. Once you have your Backstory, everything else becomes easy. Use this to redo all those other profiles and outreach efforts that just haven’t seemed right until now. It’s the perfect length and format for your LinkedIn summary.

2. Your Headline — This is the shortest, clearest possible description of your career and the value you add. In most cases, it is so brief it isn’t even a sentence. (And yes, you can use it as your social media headline.)

3. Your What I Do — This is your quick answer to a question that terrifies many (at parties, business events, etc.). It is a positive, memorable, and crystal-clear response to what makes you, well, you and speaks to your current role. Use this to replace your current job description on your LinkedIn profile.

4. Your Bio — Having a short, professional bio that captures your essence is a lifesaver. This is just the right length to submit for speaking engagements or presentations, to include in proposals, pitches and marketing materials, and when being interviewed or guesting on a podcast.

Psst… Already have your career story and interested in thought leadership? Click here.

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I’m intrigued, amy—WHat’s the process?


Before I can write your Career Story, I need to learn all about you. I start my discovery phase by combing through your existing profiles, bios, About pages, and any other materials you think would be helpful for me to review. I’ll also send you a Career Story questionnaire to complete. I’m searching for often hidden underlying themes and patterns that have shaped your experience.

Next, we’ll spend 60 minutes on a deep-dive phone call, where I’ll ask you questions and review your answers to the Career Story questionnaire to help me understand your background, goals, and what you want to do versus what you’re doing now. My job is to identify these gaps and then erase them. We’ll also discuss your existing career content and your preferred tone, audience, and call-to-action.


Armed with information from the discovery phase, I then begin my creative process. I start by writing your Backstory, as it serves as the foundation for your entire Career Story. It’s written as a first-person narrative designed to intrigue and speak to your intended audience(s) in an inviting way.

When I have a draft ready, I’ll share it as a Google Document, which allows us to review and comment on the same document. I ask for your feedback before moving on to the other Career Story components.


After receiving your input on a component’s draft, I’ll then make a round of any requested edits. These are usually minor (a word choice swap or a change of a highlighted specialty), so this stage typically moves faster than the previous phase.


When you’ve reviewed and approved all four components, you’re now positioned for success! Your new Career Story includes four completely aligned pieces that can stand alone or be used together in any combination to level up your online presence. Here are a few ways my clients typically use each component:

Backstory - To replace their existing LinkedIn About section and the About section on their website

Headline: As their headline on any social media platform, on their website’s home page, and as a succinct value statement

What I Do: To describe their current role in their LinkedIn profile’s experience section, as explainer copy on their site, and in marketing materials and sales pitches

Bio: To provide to podcast hosts when they guest, on their websites, as part of proposals, and in advance of speaking engagements


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